15Oct Wednesday, October 15, 2008 – Waylay
Waylay \WAY-lay\, transitive verb:
1. To lie in wait for and attack from ambush.
2. To approach or stop (someone) unexpectedly.
When his mother praised certain well-behaved and neatly dressed boys in the village, Jung was filled with hate for them, and would waylay and beat them up.
— Frank McLynn, Carl Gustav Jung
He returned to her night after night, until his brother, Frank, waylaid him one evening outside Harriet’s cabin and beat him bloody.
— Lynne Olson, Freedom’s Daughters
Furious and humiliated, the boy waylaid Martha after school.
— Julian Barnes, England, England
The women, who hold wicker baskets filled with flowers and incense, are out to waylay tourists and to entice them into buying the blooms and scents.
— Jacob Heilbrunn, “Mao More Than Ever”, New Republic, April 21, 1997
Waylay comes from way (from Old English weg) + lay (from Old English lecgan).
Dictionary.com Entry and Pronunciation for waylay
When considering issues, I don’t know about you, but I always ask myself “Where Stands the Bear?”
Furry link.
You know, there just isn’t enough colonial music these days. Where’s our rebel spirit? Hark, ye and listen to the tale of the Blacksmith of Brandywine!
One if by link, and two if by sea!