15Sep September 14, 2006 – Fanfaronade
Fanfaronade \fan-fair-uh-NAYD; -NOD\, noun:
1. Swaggering; empty boasting; blustering manner or behavior; ostentatious display.
2. Fanfare.
George Manahan made his debut this week as music director of New York City Opera, and it is difficult to imagine someone laying claim to a major podium with less of a fanfaronade.
— Justin Davidson, “A Director’s Toil Pays Some Dividends”, Newsday, September 21, 1996
But like a demure singer in a long gown who is surrounded by chorus girls in sequined miniskirts, the statue may seem slightly lost amid the fanfaronade.
— Richard Stengel, “Rockets will glare and bands blare to celebrate the statue”, Time, July 7, 1986
Fanfaronade derives from Spanish fanfarronada, from fanfarrón, “braggart,” from Arabic farfar, “garrulous.”
Dictionary.com Entry and Pronunciation for fanfaronade
This word was designed to piss a youtube searcher off. Any guesses as to how many matches Fanfaronade gets you? Right. Zero.
First Word, First Sense: Swaggering. Just so you know, it’s a little scary inside this search. Be warned.
Ah, this one’s perfect … or I should say pAARRRRRfect
What kind of link does a pirate click? A PEG Link.
First Word, Second Sense: Fanfare
I remember this from my childhood, but I don’t recall which shows or movies:
EDIT: I found this after I hit publish and I’m too big of a dork not to include it:
I win the role(link)playing game!!!