12Feb Thursday, February 12, 2009 – Froward
Froward \FROH-werd\, adjective:
not easily managed; contrary
The mule is a froward animal.
c. 1300, Old English fromweard “turned from or away,” from from + -weard. The opposite of toward, it was Latin pervertus in early translations of the Psalms, and also meant “about to depart, departing,” and “doomed to die.”
Dictionary.com Entry and Pronunciation for froward
By now, you realize this isn’t a typo. It isn’t “forward,” it’s “froward.” I have two videos today, but only one is from a traditional YouTube search. Obviously, all of the YouTube hits were simple misspellings of forward, but I takes what I can gets.
In high school, I loved when the orchestra and band would play popular music. Frankly, classical bores me, mostly. But a new take on a song I already love? SOLD! What better example of this than Europe’s montage-ready power ballad, “The Final Countdown,” I ask you. The answer is NOTHING! And when that brass riff pounds your brain in all day long, think of me and feel joy!
It’s the Final Linkdown!!!!
And this, well, this is just a perfect illustration of today’s word. It’s wonderful when things like this just fall into my lap. Senor Joaquin Phoenix has lost his mind and his razor. David Letterman is the poor mule owner trying to make his way into town to peddle with a particularly froward mule.
“Are you serious with this? Maniacal linkage? Really?”
February 12th, 2009 at 3:02 pm
I didn’t really think it was a typo, I just thought that’s how Frodo moved. Ya know, froward. I know it’s a bad joke but it’s what first came to my mind.