confute \kuhn-FYOOT\, transitive verb:
To overwhelm by argument; to refute conclusively; to prove or show to be false.

Having settled in Rome in 1486, he proposed 900 theses and challenged any scholar to confute them, agreeing to pay his expenses.
— David S. Katz and Richard H. Popkin, Messianic Revolution

Instinct, intuition, or insight is what first leads to the beliefs which subsequent reason confirms or confutes.
— Bertrand Russell

As he says, a professor of geography does not feel obliged regularly to confute those who believe that the earth is flat.
— Geoffrey Wheatcroft, “Bearing False Witness”, New York Times, May 13, 2001

Its organizer is the Rev. Geoffrey Wilson, who wants to confute the Darwinist heretics by proving that the island is the location of the Garden of Eden.
— Adam Hochschild, “The Floating Swap Meet”, New York Times, May 28, 2000

Confute is from Latin confutare, “to check the boiling of a liquid; to put down; to silence.” Entry and Pronunciation for confute

This is a tough word. There are only four hits in the search and they are all misspellings of confuse or confusion.

One is an amatuerish video from a foreign band and the other three are AMV‘s. I picked my favorite AMV of the three there. I don’t generally like AMV’s, but I wasn’t given too much choice.

Staring at the Link

Incidentally, until I did this search I didn’t know that Disturbed had covered “Land of Confusion” by Genesis. It’s really good. It’s too bad that the two AMV’s that used the song didn’t do a better job.